Every spring, the freshman class of Richmond Community High School embarks on a week-long exploration of the ecology, history, and economics of the Chesapeake Bay. This site gives us a place to learn more, and share our plans and discoveries!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

What makes an effective poster?

We've all seen environmental messages... posters, signs, TV ads and billboards reminding us to recycle, not litter, or turn off lights when we leave the room.

As part of our study on how public opinion can make a difference in policy and practice, our AP Environmental Science class is going to make a poster with a message about an endangered species in the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem: the Delmarva Fox Squirrel. This critter has one big advantage: it's cute and fuzzy, so people will care about it!

We're going to pilot four different versions of a "Save the Delmarva Fox Squirrels" poster, with four different message themes. Take the polls (on the right) and let us know which theme you think will be most effective!

Leave a comment: (1) What is YOUR favorite of the four themes? (2) For your chosen theme: suggest a statement or message for the poster!


Summer Schultz said...

I like the Environmental Concern message theme.

For this theme, we could have a photo of the squirrel's natural habitat (woods) on one side of the poster, and a photo of a mall on the other... with text saying something like "Squirrels can't buy their lunch at the food court."

What do you guys think?

lennaaaaaa said...

i like the humanistic or family related messge theme.

for this theme, we could put picures of a squirrel family and a picture of a persons family.

Uneak said...

My favorite of the four themes is "Humanistic or family-related". I would use the statement... "Blood is thicker than water."

Anthony Auernheimer said...

In my opinion the theme " Biospheric" is the best. I feel I can relate more to that.

Jordan Zimmerman said...

I believe the "Humanistic or family-related' would be the best alternative. It would allow the people to realize how saimilar they are to the Delmarva Fox Squirrel.

Erin said...

"I'm watching you, STOP DESTROYING MY HABITAT!!"


Erin Winstead
Jaedan Jones
Trevon Rochester

Dee said...

Environmental concerns

the environmental issues concerning the squirrel is habitat degredation for agricultural purposes.


Dejeron said...

The Delmarva Squirrel is.......


Species Knowledge

***Delmarva squirrel is twice the size of a regular grey squirrel***


jordan said...

Theme: humanistic
message: squirrel saying "Hey kids, you look del-marvalous! LOL!"

Picture: http://www.dnr.state.md.us/mydnr/CreatureFeature/art/delmarvafoxsquirrel_JW.jpg


dee said...

Environmental concerns

the environmental issues concerning the squirrel is habitat degredation for agricultural purposes.

Slogan: Where do we go from here?
